Supporting Wings

Polygon are people and our work should be valued and we should get paid!

In 80% Polygon is self financed by those who are involved and who investing their knowledge, time and money into the work of art.

There is no price for non-aliance, independency, freedom of improvisation, experiment, flexible structure and work frame, open dinamism and possibility to question and crticise circumstances, evolution, capital, society, …, pointing toward emancipation, knowledge, inovation, self-growth…

The rest of cca. 20% of funds are project based, so different projects/programs are supported by different institutions and/or individuals, their names and logos are located within program/project they are supporting.

Herewith we would like to make a special thanks toward the Ministry of Culture RH for continuous support over these 15 years.

We hope the situation in presentages will change soon.

Even thou we are underpayed or not payed at all for our work, we ARE greatful for all our supporting WINGS!



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